Oregon's First Community Green Nursery
Over 50 unique species all climate resiliant, with a focus on native, regionally native, or assisted migration species. The vast majority of trees will be grown from seed to insure genetic diversity.
We can plant and/or facilitate community planting events for hundreds of trees. This service can include planning, delivery, placement, planting, mulching, irrigation, stakes and additional protection as needed. When hosting comunity planting events we can accomodate up to 100 trees planted per day with up to 100 volunteers.
Trees need nutrients, bi-annual mulching, and structural pruning through the establishment phase. We have a program that for a minimul cost can provide the maintenance on your projects trees for the first 3 years of establishment. We also have stewardship agreements, training, and other resources to assist community memebers in the long term care of trees.
Aerial Imagery of Community Green Nursery
This map is the site plan for the new collaborative Community Green Nursery owned by Plant Oregon Nursery!
Topography 3D Overview
In Arc GIS this Aerial imagery is accurate to 2 centimeters and provides a topographic map of the entire 18 acre farm site.
2023 Nursery Tour
In July 2023 OUR Community Forestry lead a tour of the Plant Oregon Nursery including the new Community Green Nursery. We were joined by State Representative- Pam Marsh, Erik Burke - Friends of Trees, Brittany Oxford - The Oregon Department of Forestry, Chris John - Canopy LLC, Eli Polsky - Rogue Reconnaissance, and Paige Prewett - Rogue Basin Partnership.
Plant Oregon
Exclusive Tree Grower and Partner for OUR Community Forestry
All trees are grown in the sunny Southern Oregon cliamte on drip irrigation with the in-ground grow bag system.
The vast majority of species are grown from seed or saplings that are genetically diverse.
Almost all trees are straight species very few cultivars.
Trees that are propigated through cuttings are taken from multiple plants thoughout the nursery.
Species diversity, health & vigor, sustainability, and quality trees are the pilars of Plant Oregon.
Plant Oregon Nursery Photo Gallery
These photos are from Plant Oregon Nursery, OUR Community Forestry's exclusive partner in high quality climate and regionally acclimated trees.
© 2019